Bill C-277 Update

MP MacGregor's bill for a National Strategy on Brain Injuries sent unanimously for final vote

OTTAWA – on Thursday, parliament’s health committee sent local NDP MP, Alistair MacGregor’s (Cowichan – Malahat – Langford) bill that would establish a National Brain Injury Strategy back to the House of Commons for a final vote.

“This is a big step forward for the entire community of brain injury survivors, their family members, friends, advocates and medical professionals,” said MacGregor. “I’m so proud of my constituents Kyle Mockford and Janelle Breese-Biagioni, and the countless others across Canada who have worked so incredibly hard to shine a light on this hidden epidemic. It is the greatest honour to be able to raise their voice in Parliament, and to know they are by my side every step of the way.”

Brain injury survivors face lifelong challenges, often in isolation. This commonly results in people with brain injuries struggling with substance use disorders, facing higher rates of suicide, homelessness, and incarceration. A National Brain Injury Strategy provides urgently needed hope that communities across Canada will receive the data and resources they need to take on this hidden epidemic.

“I’m glad to see this bill receive unanimous support from all political parities,” added MacGregor. ““However, with the Conservatives bringing the House of Commons’ business to a halt, and holding up over thirty bills, the question remains: will they stand in the way of this important health measure?”

Bill C-277 has been endorsed by medical experts, people with lived experience, Brain Injury organizations across the country, and local municipalities including Duncan, Langford, North Cowichan, Nanaimo, and the City of Victoria.

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2025 Your Favorite Spot in Cowichan-Malahat-Langford calendar contest

If you would like to share your favorite spot in Cowichan-Malahat-Langford and have it included in the 2025 edition, submit your photo.

Submit your photo(s) by email to: [email protected]

Put CALENDAR PHOTO in the subject line.

Include the following information in your email:

  • Your name
  • The location of your photo
  • Your address, including postal code
  • A brief (40 words or fewer) description of your photo

Deadline to submit is September 1st, 2024

Important guidelines for submitting photos

Each year, a number of photos are disqualified from consideration because the image size is too small, or the images include humans. Following are some hints for choosing and submitting a winning photo:

  • Photos must be high resolution - at least 1MB.
  • Do not send directly from your phone. Image files are compressed by phones when they are emailed.
  • Upload your photo(s) to a computer or tablet before sending.
  • Attach the original high resolution image to the email (send as an attachment).
  • Pick a photo that will work with the shape of the calendar. Landscape is the best option.

Official Rules:

  1. Your favorite spot must be in the Cowichan-Malahat-Langford riding.
  2. Photos must be in jpg or tiff format.
  3. Photos cannot include humans.
  4. No more than 3 photos per household may be submitted.
  5. Photos must be colour and at least 1MB in size.
  6. Deadline to submit is September 1st, 2024

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