Corporate Greed

Liberals and Conservatives have given $60 billion in handouts to large corporations.

$2.35 billion of that has gone to the grocery cartel. Let’s break it down:

  • $1.2 billion to Loblaw
  • $815 million to Metro
  • $316 million to Empire

And a report reveals that in addition to this $2.35 billion, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government gave Loblaw and Costco an additional $25.5 million in corporate handouts between 2019 and 2023.

Every single time you visit a grocery store, you're faced with corporate greed in the grocery aisle. The corporate coalition of Liberals and Conservatives don't think that’s enough – so they’re giving billions more of your tax dollars to greedy grocery CEOs.

Alistair and the NDP are saying: not a cent more. It’s simple - the companies who are making record profits shouldn’t be given another penny of your tax dollars.

Join the NDP in calling on the Liberals and Conservatives to End the Corporate Handouts.

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Stop Corporate Handouts to Big Grocery


Liberals and Conservatives have handed out billions of dollars to large corporations while Canadians struggle to afford food and access the services they need.

New Democrats are calling on the Liberals and Conservatives to stop the corporate handouts and put more money back in your pocket.

While top CEOs are making all-time high revenues, Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre refuse to make them pay what they owe.


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