Motion M-117: Organic agriculture

Canada’s lack of a policy framework to develop organic food and farming - in contrast to many of our major trade competitors who have organic growth policies and are making historic investments in their sectors - leaves Canadian organic farmers at a competitive disadvantage.

Canadians want to be able to select the healthiest food options available, but with high costs, many are putting nutritious food they need back on the shelves. We also need to be making sure that we’re fighting climate change while lowering food costs – and organic food does just that.

It’s important that the government move forward with a plan.

That's why I introduced M-117, which calls on the government to fully recognize and incorporate organic agriculture in Canada's Sustainable Agriculture Strategy as a cross-cutting tool to meet multiple goals such as increasing farm income, increasing biodiversity and soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions per acre, and building resilience to the impacts of extreme weather.

You can view the full text of the motion here: M-117 Organic agriculture 44th Parliament, 1st Session - Members of Parliament - House of Commons of Canada

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