Support a National School Food Program

October 17, 2023

For years, the Trudeau government has been dragging its heels on the creation of its proposed National School Food Program.

One tool in the procedural toolbox that MPs have at their disposal to obtain important information from the government, is to submit Order Paper Questions, which require a written response by the government within 45 days.

To hold Trudeau accountable and get answers for Canadian families, this week, I proposed the following question in Parliament:

Q-18272 — October 17, 2023 — Mr. MacGregor (Cowichan—Malahat—Langford) — With regard to the food affordability crisis: (a) on what date will the government implement its proposed National School Food Policy; (b) what programs will be put in place by the government to implement its proposed commitment of $1 billion over five years; (c) what are the government’s plans to integrate Canada's Food Guide as a guiding principle for the Healthy Eating Strategy; and (d) what communications, via in-person meeting, virtual meetings, e-mails, or letters, have been received from provincial governments confirming their interest in partnering with the federal government on the establishment of a National School Food Program, broken down by (i) province, (ii) year?


Add your name to tell the Liberal government the time to implement a National School Food Program is NOW!

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Add your name to tell the Liberal government the time to implement a National School Food Program is NOW!



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