Take Action

Summon the CEOs

Force Big Grocery CEOs to come testify in Parliament

CEOs owe Canadian families answers and the least they can do is show up and explain why they’re getting richer while you cut back on your groceries.

Keep Plastic Out of Our Water

Keep Plastic Out of Our Water

Plastic pollution in our oceans threatens our environment – hurting our wildlife and coastlines, and impacting everything from fisheries and tourism to your family’s trip to the beach.

Take the tax off home heating

Colder weather is coming and Canadians are struggling to pay high heating bills

The Liberals and Conservatives refuse to make billionaires pay what they owe — while refusing to remove the tax off your home heating bills. Demand action now.

Support Peacetime Service and Sacrifice Memorial Day

I support MP Alistair Macgregor's Private Member's Bill C-333 The Peacetime Service and Sacrifice Memorial Day Act to:

  • Mark the 22nd day of October as “Peacetime Service and Sacrifice Memorial Day”
  • Call for the national flag of Canada on the Peace Tower is to be lowered to half-mast on this day
Prohibit Freighter Anchorages in the Salish Sea

I support MP Alistair Macgregor's Bill C-305 (anchorage prohibition) to protect our coast from the environmental impact of the increasing number of anchored shipping vessels in the Salish Sea.

Support a National School Food Program

Add your name to tell the Liberal government the time to implement a National School Food Program is NOW!


Corporate Greed

Stop Corporate Handouts to Big Grocery


Liberals and Conservatives have handed out billions of dollars to large corporations while Canadians struggle to afford food and access the services they need.

New Democrats are calling on the Liberals and Conservatives to stop the corporate handouts and put more money back in your pocket.

While top CEOs are making all-time high revenues, Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre refuse to make them pay what they owe.

Cap Excise Tax on Alcohol

In response to news that the Liberal Government intended to raise the excise tax on alcohol products to 4.7%, which would have taken effect on April 1st, I introduced motion M-114 in the House of Commons, calling on the government to cap the excise tax at 2% - the Bank of Canada's target inflation rate.

On March 1st, I wrote to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, urging the government to change course and cap the excise tax at 2%.

On March 9th, news media reported the government saw the good sense in my proposal, and capped it at 2% until 2026.

Add your name to tell this government, and future governments, to support Canada's vintners, brewers, and distillers, by reducing the undue burden placed on them through excessive excise taxation.

It’s time for the Liberals to follow through on their wild salmon promise.

BC is the last place on North America’s West Coast with open-net pen Atlantic salmon farms.

A majority of British Columbians and 120+ First Nations across BC support a transition away from open-net pen salmon farms.

90% of First Nations in BC rely on wild salmon for food, social, and ceremonial purposes.

The harms to wild pacific salmon caused by open-net pen Atlantic salmon farms are documented in over 50 Canadian and international scientific studies.

C-421: A National Food Cooperative Strategy

Yes! I support MP Alistair MacGregor's National Food Cooperative Strategy which would contribute to greater food security, and stronger, more resilient local economies.

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